"The Effect of Brain Gym exercises on some psychological skills and skill development for Divers"

Document Type : Original Article


Helwan university - faculty of physical education - Cairo - Egypt


Mental exercises is considered one of the new sciences that interest in it began in our Arab world, given that the science of mental gymnastics (Brain Gym) was found in America in the eighties of the last century. These activities are innovative to help us think and move to the best of our abilities. Brain Gym is a new technology that helps the brain and body work together. More effectively, it uses specific bodily movements to stimulate the growth of neural pathways, and strengthen confidence, memory, focus, organization skills, and motor coordination. The juniors stage are one of the basic stages in the sport of diving, as it is the basis of the sport of diving with regard to the basic skills. different dives groups, Also, psychological tension is one of the most important psychological problems that diving players may face, and it has negative effects such as wasting physical energy and depriving them of moments of enjoying the sport. Also, tension may weaken the player’s confidence or think that he is incompetent, and the mental abilities that distinguish a person from Important factors and determinants in teaching and training different motor skills, so the researcher conducted this research to address the problem.
