The Effect of a Hydrotherapy Program to Strengthen the Back Muscles of a Herniated Disc

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty

2 Helwan university

3 physical education, helwan university,


The research problem Through the work of the researcher in the Center for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and the Treatment of Rheumatism in the Armed Forces, she noticed that the women who frequent the center suffer from a herniated disc, which led to weak back and abdominal muscles as a result of their inability to move, which made the researcher think of doing a water rehabilitation program to strengthen the back muscles For patients with a herniated disc of the second or middle degree.
Search goal:
The research aims to design a rehabilitation program using water exercises and to identify its effect through:
Flexibility of the spine.
Back muscle strength.
- Back hunching.
The degree of pain.
Search procedures :
First: Research Methodology
The researcher used the experimental approach due to its suitability to the nature of the research by using the experimental design for one group by following the pre and post measurements of that group.
Second: Research community and sample
The research community represented the women with a herniated disc, where they numbered (40) forty women, where the researcher chose the research sample by the intentional method of women with a herniated disc.
Herniated disc of the second or intermediate degree, and their ages range from (40-45) years. The total number of the research sample was (30) thirty women who had a herniated disc under study, and (10) of the injured women were excluded because they did not meet the conditions.
