The impact of the (Think - Pair - Share) strategy on self-confidence, cognitive achievement and performance level in crawl swimming

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - University of Zagazig


The researcher aimed to identify the use of the (Think-Pair-Share) strategy on self-confidence, cognitive achievement, and the level of performance of crawling swimming on the belly. on a sample of (40) female students of the first division of the Faculty of Physical Education Girls Zagazig University were divided into two groups, one experimental and the other a female officer each Of them (20) students.
The most important results are:
1- The superiority of the experimental group that used the (think-pair-share) strategy over the control group that used the traditional method (verbal explanation and practical model performance), which indicates the effectiveness of the strategy and its impact on learning the skills of crawling swimming .
2-Teaching using the (Think-Pair-Share) strategy is more effective than the instructional learning method in increasing self-confidence and cognitive achievement. The level of crawl swimming performance (under study).
One of the main recommendations:
-1The necessity of using the integrated strategy (think-pair-share) in teaching swimming.
2- Using the strategy (Think- Pair- Share) to increase students' self-confidence.
3- Developing programs to increase self-confidence among students, which leads to faster learning and an improvement in the level of skillful performance.
