The reality of talent management strategies at the Ministry of Youth and Sports

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education

2 Professor of Sports Administration, Department of Sports Management and Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan Mosque, Cairo

3 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University Department of Sports Management and Recreation


This study was conducted to identify the reality of talent management strategies at the Ministry of Youth and Sports on an exploratory sample of (30) individuals and a basic sample of (120) individuals from the central departments of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach, and one of the questionnaire data collection tools designed by the researcher, and one of the most important results is to achieve the level of reality of talent management strategies at the Ministry of Youth and Sports to a high degree, which indicates the improvement of the quality and quality of services provided by the ministry through the processes of attracting and attracting talent and the selection strategy and retaining talents, as well as replacing and developing talents.
The sports institutions as a social and cultural interface for society through their embrace of different categories, including the practice of many sports fields and this calls for taking strategic directions that reflect their future aspirations in the development of their employees from administrators, coaches and talented players, the strategic direction is the basic structure for the success of the work of these organizations, which makes them realize what their goals are and the extent of their strategic vision that they practice within the organization, so the strategic direction is a benefit because it focuses first on the organization and continuously collects information on The needs of the target groups, the capabilities of competitors
