The effect of using the padlet digital wall on academic integration and the level of cognitive achievement in the Curriculum Fundamentals course for students Faculty of Physical Education in Qena

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Sports Education. University of Southern Canyon Qena

2 south valley university


The scientific progress, the continuous and accelerating technical development, and the expansion of human knowledge in our current era imposed on the educational systems the need to reconsider the prevailing traditional education patterns to meet the requirements and challenges of the twenty-first century. To arouse learners' interest and motivate them towards the learning process, provide them with information and concepts, develop their skills, and overcome many problems that may face the learning process. The padlet is one of the unique and effective Web (2.0) participatory tools. It is a free multimedia wall, easy to use without training, interactive and can be viewed and collaborated anywhere in the world. It can be used to present a full lesson online or in the classroom as it allows. interaction between students, and between them and the teacher. The padlet digital wall can be used by computers or mobile devices, as it allows the teacher to create virtual walls with specific titles and attractive backgrounds, and allows the teacher and his students to share notes, texts and multimedia by adding them or pictures as small notes pasted on this wall, with the possibility of exporting it In the form of Excel and PDF files, in addition to allowing the learner to create content in a variety of formats, modify and edit the media, and thus the use of the electronic wall in the educational process contributes to making the learner the focus of the educational process, which leads to an increase
