The effect of repetitive speed training on the development of some special physical abilities and the accuracy of the straight stroke of squash juniors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Helwan University

2 Professor of racket sports and head Department of theories and applications of racket sports - Faculty of physical Education for Men - Zagazig University

3 Professor of squash, Department of Games Training, and Racket sports - Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Al-Haram - Helwan University.


The aim of this research is to study the effect of repetitive speed training on the development of some special physical abilities and the accuracy of the straight strike for squash juniors under 13 years old. And tactical, especially the straight strike, which is directly related to the repeated speed, because it is a basic requirement during the movements in the field to reach the ball and perform this skill with this large number of repetitions. The researchers used the experimental approach by following the experimental design of one experimental group using the pre and post measurements. The research community was represented by squash juniors under (13 years) in Cairo squash clubs who are registered with the Egyptian Squash Federation for the 2022/2023 sports season. muscular strength, special aerobic endurance, the ability to repeat the speed of changing direction), and on developing the accuracy of the front and back straight strokes for squash juniors under 13 years old. The percentage of telemetry improvement ranged between (3.1%: 41.63%). (1.08 : 1.57).
