Effectiveness of strenght central muscle exercises on some physical variables and performance of Mawashi- Geri for Kumite players in North Sinai.

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Sports Training and Movement Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education - Al-Arish University


The research aims to identify the effect of training the central abdominal muscles on some variables   physical performance and the skill (cattle-jerry) of the kumite players in North Sinai." The researcher used the experimental approach by designing the pre and post measurement for one experimental group, and the research sample was chosen by the intentional method from the kumite players in North Sinai, and (8) players were selected for the 2018-2019 training season. Under 18 years old as a basic sample (one group), in addition to selecting a number (4) players from the same research community and outside the basic sample as an exploratory sample. (Mawashi - Jerry).


Main Subjects