The Reality of Commercial Sponsorship to Promote Sports Tourism in Luxor

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sports Administration and Recreation, Faculty of Sports Education Girls, Helwan University

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Sports Administration, Helwan University


This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the reality of commercial sponsorship to promote sports tourism in Luxor governorate. The researcher used the descriptive curriculum in his survey method and the sample was selected in a random manner and totaled (124) Among those working in the field of tourism and sports tourism. The research community consists of the directors and officials of the General Department of Tourism in the Ministry of Youth and Sports and their number (22) The directors and officials of the General Authority for the Promotion and Promotion of Tourism (40) and the workers in the field of tourism in Luxor governorate The (62) tourism workers in Luxor governorate. One of the most important findings of this study is that the reality of commercial sponsorship is associated with the promotion of sports tourism in Luxor governorate to a large extent at a weight of 92.9%. This is based on the promotion and promotion of the sponsoring company's brand name, the increase in the number of customers and the promotion of the sports event. Based on the size of the sporting event and its importance at the local, international and Arab levels.

Keywords: sports tourism, commercial sponsorship, promotional mix.


Main Subjects