Effect of Accentuated Eccentric Training to Improve Reactive Strength Index, Vertical Stiffness of Some of Muscles Involved in the Turn of Breast Swimmers

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education


The research aimed to identify the effect of using Accentuated Eccentric Training on the outputs of rebound force (jump height - flight time - ground time - RSI),VS and speed , electrical stimulation strength of some lower limb muscles operating in the turn for swimmers, and the researcher used the experimental approach on a sample of (24 A swimmer for the age group (16-17) years divided into two groups (12 swimmers for the experimental group and 12 for the control group).

The research tools include: Horizontal muscle capacity test- Vertical test- Maximum leg strength - Deep jump test - GoPro HERO5 Black digital video machine with frequency (240 cad / second) - Kinovea program - Electromyography (EMG) device brand Mega 6000 - Training Program

Main results:.

1. Positively affects the development of retractable force outputs (rebound force index - jump height - grounding time - flight time.

2. Positively affects the development of the speed and power of electrical stimulation of the initially working muscles of swimmers.

3. Improving the biodynamics of the muscular action of the working muscles results in the development of the explosive action outputs of these muscles.


Main Subjects