The effect of breathing exercises inside the water on the maximum oxygen consumption of swimming students recovering from Corona. ​

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Cairo, Helwan University

3 College of Physical Education for Girls in Cairo


Professor Doctor: Maha Khalil (1)
Professor Doctor: Nivein Mohamed Amin (2)
The name of the researcher: Menna Allah Mohamed Shaaban (3)
Professor, Department of Biosciences and Sports Health, specializing in sports physiology.(1)
Professor, Department of Water Sports Training.(2)
Master’s researcher in the Department of Biosciences and Sports Health, specializing in sports physiology, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls (3)
Research title: The effect of breathing exercises in water on the maximum oxygen consumption of female swimming students recovering from Corona.
The research aims to identify the effect of breathing exercises in the water on the maximum oxygen consumption of swimming students recovering from Corona, and the researcher used the experimental method, on a sample of (30) students. The results led to a positive improvement in the pulse rate during rest and effort, as the percentage of improvement during rest was (21.60%) and during exertion was (14.08%). It also led to an improvement in systolic and diastolic pressure. Blood pressure, as the percentage of improvement in systolic blood pressure was (9.72%), and diastolic blood pressure was (8.19%). It also had a positive effect on the maximum oxygen consumption, Vo2max, with an improvement rate of (11.47%). Water breathing exercises also showed a positive improvement in vital capacities, with an improvement rate of (16.93%). It also led to an improvement in (underwater swimming distance, breath-holding time), as the percentage of improvement in underwater swimming distance was (18.86%), and the percentage of improvement in breath-holding was (22.00%).
