Evaluation of the psychological state of players in the light of some contemporary societal changes in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


كلية التربية الرياضية - جامعة المنصورة


contemporary societal changes in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The researcher used the descriptive approach. The research sample was randomly selected from male and female players of individual and collective activities in mass clubs in the Arab Republic of Egypt and who are registered in the Egyptian Federation records for the sports season (2022/2023).It included (737) male and female players, in addition to (50) male and female players as a reconnaissance sample to conduct scientific transactions for the research tool, and data collection tools (a measure of the psychological state of players in light of contemporary societal changes - prepared by the researcher).
Among the most important findings of the study are the following:
- Reaching a measure of the psychological state of players in the light of contemporary societal changes, consisting of (38) phrases distributed over (5) dimensions.
- The estimated level and percentages of the psychological state of players in the light of contemporary societal changes came with high percentages and values.
