An analytical study of the training programs of some throwing players and their relationship to injury rates

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education

2 faculty of physical education


Over time, running, jumping, and throwing skills became among the most important means used to acquire physical fitness, which in ancient times played a major role in the life of societies. Thus, physical education, led by the ancient field and track competitions, occupied a prominent place in qualifying and training armies. The ancient Olympic Games played It played a major role in the development of physical education, and received great interest in societies of the ancient world. If we look at the competitions and competitions of the ancient Olympic Games, we will find many of them similar to the athletics competitions known today. (11:15)

With the rapid progress in the field of training and its methods and the increase in the intensity of training loads, the rates of sports injuries and resulting complications have increased despite the tremendous developments that have included most aspects of life and in all fields, especially the field of physical therapy., many people believe.

This may be due to the introduction of modern technologies and methods and the change in human lifestyle, and in the sports field through developments in the theories and methods of sports training science, where the increased use of high intensity for long periods with the absence of correct regulation of the load in a manner consistent with the functional state, all of which has led to an increase in the number of injuries. Sports, in addition to other factors such as psychological factors, the psychological makeup of the player,


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