The effectiveness of using electronic games in learning some volleyball skills among middle school students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


Tanta University


This study aims to identify the effectiveness of the use of electronic games in learning some volleyball skills among middle school students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the researcher has used the experimental approach due to its suitability to the nature of the research, and the researcher used one of the experimental designs, which is the experimental design of one experimental group by applying the pre- and post-measurements of the group, and the study sample was selected randomly and their number reached (32) middle school students at the ninth school of the Department of Education in the The northern border of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the researcher also used (32) students (exploratory sample) from the study population and outside the basic sample to conduct scientific transactions, The researcher used the mental abilities test, the form of evaluation of the form of technical performance in volleyball skills (under research), physical tests, cognitive achievement test, electronic games evaluation form (prepared by the researcher), and the most important results were the existence of statistically significant differences between the averages of the pre- and post-standards of the experimental group in learning volleyball skills (passing from above, scrolling from the bottom, sending from the bottom facing) among middle school students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in favor of dimensional measurement.


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