The effect of an educational program using the (Think - Pair - Share) strategy based on active learning and its impact on learning some artistic gymnastics skills

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education - University of sadat city



The researcher tended to employ a strategy (Think - Pair - Share), which makes the female students an active element in the educational process and maximizes their role in accessing sources of knowledge, and seeks to give them the skills of thinking, researching, and discovering knowledge and information, so that the role of the female students is transformed from a passive recipient to an active one - and here it is. There was a need to conduct such a study, which aims to identify the effect of using the strategy (Think - Pair - Share) based on active learning on learning the skills prescribed on the ground movement apparatus for the female students of the first year in the College of Physical Education. The sample consisted of female students in the first year, and the size of The basic research sample was (50) female students, and the most important results were that using the (Think - Pair - Share) strategy based on active learning had a greater positive impact than using the command learning method (the traditional method), as statistically significant differences were found between the average of the post-measurement of computer skills. The determined ground movements under investigation among the female students in the research sample, and in favor of the post-measurements for the female students in the experimental group


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