Healthy culture to take steroids and supplements for sports practitioners

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of pe for girls -helwan university

2 Faculty of pe for girls -Helwan university

3 Faculty of pe for girls _ helwan university


The research aims to recognize the reality of healthy culture to take steroids and supplements for sports practitioners by recognizing the realities of basic perceptions and knowledge of steroids and supplements in practitioners of sports activities knowledge of the consequences of the use of doping and supplements in sports practitioners, Practitioners of sports activities realized the difference between steroids and supplements, and researcher used the descriptive curriculum, Some of the 100 athletes represented the society and sample of the research. The data collection tool was the Health Culture Questionnaire form (prepared by the researcher). The results resulted in:
- Healthy culture in basic perceptions and knowledge of steroids and supplements in practitioners of sports activities came to a moderate degree.
- Health culture in knowledge of the consequences of the use of steroids and supplements in practitioners of sports activities has come to a low degree.
- Healthy culture in practitioners' perception of sporting activities the difference between steroids and dietary supplements came to a moderate degree
Key words: health culture – doping – supplements.
