The effect of using exercises with the Blaze pod device on the development of two elements Agility and speed of reaction for female handball players

Document Type : Original Article


1 Cairo, Faculty of Physical Education, Girls, Helwan University, Cairo

2 professor of handball training at the faculty of physical educatyon helwan universiy


The research aims to develop some elements of physical fitness (agility - speed of reaction) among handball players through the design of a training program using the Blaze pod.

The researcher used the experimental approach to suit the nature of this study by applying the pre- and post-measurement as an experimental design for one group to which the proposed training program is applied.

Application of the proposed training program:
The training program was applied 5/8/2023 to, 14/9/2023, by (6) weeks with (3) three training units per week, so that the total number of training units reached (18) eighteen training units, and the time of one training unit was determined by (90) minutes,
One of the most important conclusions was the impact of the content of the proposed training program implemented using the Blaze pod device on improving some of the physical abilities of handball (agility - reaction speed).

The researcher recommended the need to be guided by the content of the proposed training program and the methods used through it to develop the physical capabilities of handball Blaze pod, and also recommended the need to diversify the use of modern training methods and tools when applying training programs for handball.
