The effect of using the electronically supported V-Shape map on learning and developing the clean and clean lift in weightlifting for students of the College of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


The research aims to identify “the effect of using an electronically supported V-Shape map on learning and developing the clean and clean lift in the sport of weightlifting for students of the College of Physical Education.” The experimental approach was used with an experimental design for two groups, one experimental and the other control, by applying pre- and post-measurements to the two groups, and the two groups were chosen. The research sample was intentionally drawn from students of the second year, new to the 2014 list at the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University, for the academic year 2023/2024 AD, which numbered 230 students. The basic research sample included (62) students from the research community, and they were divided into a basic sample of (52). ) Students divided into two groups equally, the strength of each group is (26) students for the experimental group, (26) students for the control group and (10) students to conduct the exploratory study. Thus, the basic research sample is (62) students. Homogeneity was performed on the research sample in Basic measurements (age, height, weight, IQ, physical and motor abilities) as well as equivalence in the variables under study. The most important results indicated that the educational program using the electronically supported v-shape strategy has a positive and effective impact on the level of technical performance and the digital level of lifting the clean and jerk. In weightlifting for second year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University.


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