Design a model for technological competencies for physical education teacher in view of criteria International Association for Technology in the field of education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan University

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Cairo - Helwan University


The research aims to design a model of technological competencies based on learning outcomes and the needs of the labor market for physical education in light of the standards of the ISTE Association. Researchers used the descriptive approach to its suitability for the nature of the goal and procedures of this research. The research community included physical education teachers, and the researchers chose the research sample in the intentional way. Technology for physical education teacher, and reliance on it to build a codified list to measure technological competencies in light of the standards of the International Society for Technology in the field of education, and the list has high scientific transactions, and is valid for application to the research community.

Among the most important recommendations is the necessity of adopting academic and vocational decision makers in the field of teaching physical education on the form extracted under research to keep pace with developments, international standards and professional companies in accordance with the needs and requirements of the labor market.


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