The degree of availability of requirements for implementing cybersecurity in sports federations in the Sultanate of Oman

Document Type : Original Article


College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman



The study aimed to reveal the degree of availability of requirements for implementing cybersecurity in sports federations in the Sultanate of Oman. The researcher used the descriptive survey method and a questionnaire in collecting data. The study sample consisted of (102) individuals from sports federations, and the sample was divided into (20) individuals for the exploratory sample. And (82) individuals for the basic sample, who were selected randomly.

The results of the study showed: The degree of availability of requirements for implementing cybersecurity in sports federations in the Sultanate of Oman is moderate in all fields (administrative requirements, technical requirements, human requirements, material requirements), and there is a little more interest towards the technical requirements for achieving cybersecurity in sports federations, and this situation is natural to meet the directions of Oman Vision 2040 towards digital transformation in all Omani sports institutions and bodies. There is no official department or committee specialized in cybersecurity, and the presence of a committee specialized in information systems security may be limited in some federations in the event of crises or cyber-attacks that can be resorted to.

The researcher recommended: forming a committee specialized in cybersecurity in sports federations in the Sultanate of Oman, and the necessity of continuously developing the cyber infrastructure in sports federations to prevent piracy and electronic penetration, and constantly developing and updating information and technical programs and applications in sports federations.


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