The effect of resistance exercises and protein supplements to rehabilitate muscular atrophy partial anterior after anterior cruciate ligament surgeries.

Document Type : Original Article


جامعة المنيا - كلية التربية الرياضية


The research aims to identify the effect of using muscle resistance exercises and protein supplements to rehabilitate partial anterior muscular atrophy after anterior cruciate ligament surgeries, and to know its effect on improving the degree of muscular atrophy, morphological improvement of the thigh circumference, improving the thickness of the anterior muscle, improving anterior muscle strength, improving the range of motion of the knee joint, and adjusting the level of production rate. Creatine Kinase CK-MM. One of the most important results was that the proposed program of resistance exercises and a protein supplement (alloy protein) contributed positively to improving the degree of muscular atrophy by (95%), the morphological improvement of the thigh circumference by (90%), and the improvement in increasing the thickness of the anterior angle muscle. In the knee joint bent at an angle of 30, the improvement rate at this angle was 88%. The second angle was in a fully flexed position of the knee joint, and the improvement rate was 95%. The third angle was in a fully extended position of the knee joint, and the improvement rate was 90%. The muscle strength of the anterior muscle improved by (90%), and it contributed to improving the range of motion in the direction of the dimensional measurement of knee joint flexion, and it was The improvement rate was (100%) in the range of motion in extending the knee joint, and the improvement rate was 100%, and the rate of production of creatine kinase CK-MM level was controlled by (80%),


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