The Effect of Using “Tabata” Exercises on Physical, Biochemical Abilities and Record Level of Short Distance Races

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of physical education for girls, Helwan university

2 Track and field training, Faculty of Physical Education, Girls, Helwan University, Cairo

3 Track and field training, Faculty of Physical Education, Girls, Helwan University,Cairo.

4 , Department of Biosciences and Sports Health, Faculty of Physical Education, Girls, Helwan University,Cairo.


The Effect of Using “Tabata” Exercises on Some Physical Abilities and Record Level of Short Distance Races
The proposed training program aims to improve some of the physical abilities for the 200-meter race by using TABATA exercises and the method of high-intensity interval training (80% or more) (HIIT) Fast, repetitive exercises in a short time, interspersed with short rest periods between these exercises. Doing the Tabata exercise requires (4) minutes, divided into (8) sets, training (20) seconds, and resting for (10) seconds. It also includes running in place, squats, and jumping. Running short distances at high intensities and frequently, The researcher used the experimental method, designing one experimental group, using a pre- and post-measurement method, to suit the nature of this research. , on a sample of (14) female students, and among the most important results that The researcher concluded that the exercises used in the Tabata method - under research - had a noticeable positive effect on the level of some physical abilities related to the 200 m running race (speed endurance - strength characterized by speed - muscular strength - flexibility - agility - strength endurance) in favor of the post-test measurement of the sample - under research, And also one of the most important consequences of using the proposed training program using Tabata exercises has a positive impact on developing the digital level of the 200m sprint.


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