The Effect Of Using Cross Fit Training And Aquatic Exercises To Improve Some Physiological Variables Among Female Students Majoring In Swimming

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education Helwan university

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls. Helwan university

3 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls. Helwan University


The Effect Of Using Cross Fit Training And Aquatic Exercises To Improve Some Physiological Variables Among Female Students Majoring In Swimming .The research aims to identify the effect of the use of cross-training and training in the water medium to improve some physiological variables in swimming students. The researcher used the experimental approach on a sample of (13) students. The researcher used (6) students as a survey sample from the research community. Thus, the strength of the basic sample became (7) female students. The proposed training was carried out in (8) weeks, the number of training units (16) units by (2) units per week, the time of the training unit (90) and the number of proposed trainings (33). The results resulted in a positive impact of cross-training and water training on the physiological variables under research, where the rate of oxygen saturation in the blood improved in rest and after effort (2%), the rate of improvement in the pulse before the effort (6%), the rate of improvement in the pulse after effort (5%), the percentage of improvement in the maximum oxygen consumption (17%), the percentage of improvement in diastolic blood pressure at rest (4%), improvement in diastolic blood pressure after exertion (3%) and improvement in systolic blood pressure after exertion (10%).


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