The effect of specific and functional exercises on some physiological and physical variables and the level of skill performance of aerobic gymnasts"

Document Type : Original Article


1 کلية تربية رياضية بنات الجزيرة

2 Professor of sports physiology Department of Biosciences and sports Health – Faculty of physical Education for Girls – Helwan University

3 faucalty of phisical education in cairo


This research aims to designing a Programme of qualitive and functional excercises and know Its affect on Some physiological and physical Virables and skill level of female earobic gymnastics. The researcher used the experimental methad through experimental" design that intentionally depends on the female junior aerobic gymnastics
of El-Nasr sport club for girls, and their number is (14) Ptaygymansts. (5) gymanstics were Chosen rationaly for to be surveyed. So the research sample is (9) gymnastics aging (9-11) years old. The results were: The training programm" using the qualitive and functional exercises has positive effect on Physiological Changes
under discussion such as (heark Pulse rate-blood pressure-aerobic Capacity non aerobic capicity)
The training programme Using the qualitive- and functional exercises has possitive "effects on some physical Virables such as strength- Compatibility. reaction speed).
The training Programme using the qualitive and functional exercises has possitive effect on skill level in aerobic gymanistics such as '
(group A. Group B-group c group D) the movement sentence as a whole Performance of
"The qualitive and functional, the physiological and Physical Variabls, Aerabic gymanstics


Main Subjects