The impact of muscle balance exercises on some physical variables and the backhand stroke of tennis juniors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Training of sports games physical education Helwan university Cairo egypt

2 sports games department ,faculty of physical educations for girls Helwan university

3 faculty of physical education


This research aims to identify the impact of muscle balance exercises on some physical variables and the backhand stroke of tennis juniors,The experimental method was used for one experimental group using the two measures (pre-test - post-test) to suit the nature of this research,The research was applied to a sample of advanced level tennis juniors aged 10-12 years, with a sample size of 15 juniors divided into two groups, one experimental with 5 juniors and the other control with 10 juniors. The program was implemented using muscle balance exercises for a period of 12 weeks, with 3 training units per week. The main results of the research showed that the proposed exercises contributed to improving some physical variables (balance, flexibility, strength, muscle endurance, speed) by an improvement percentage ranging from (10.71% to 6.36%)They also contributed to improving the backhand stroke in terms of strength and accuracy by an improvement percentage of( 22.55%) for strength and (25%) for accuracy,The main recommendations included conducting similar studies to determine the effectiveness of using muscle balance exercises on different samples and other activities, focusing on directing the study results to tennis coaches, and making muscle balance exercises an essential part of the physical preparation for tennis juniors.
Key words: Muscle balance - backhand stroke - tennis juniors.


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