The effect of Tabata training on developing some of physical and physiological variables for field hockey juniors .

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Helwan University

2 Professor of racket sports and head Department of theories and applications of racket sports - Faculty of physical Education for Men - Zagazig University

3 Professor of racket games, Department of games, Faculty of physical education for female, Zagazig university.


The research aims to study the effect of Tabata training on developing some of physical and physiological variables for field hockey juniors under (18) years, The researchers use experimental methodology with one group design (one experimental group) and pre-post measurements, The research sample was chosen in Purposive method, (26) field hockey juniors under (18) years registered in the Egyptian Hockey Federation were divided as follows (16) juniors training group and (10) juniors from the same research community and outside the basic research sample as an exploratory sample for the research, The researchers add Tabata training program (8 weeks by three training units per week) as additional training units to the basic program, the results of this study Tabata training has a positive effect on developing some of physical (Sprint – change of direction speed – muscular power – coordination – repeated sprint ability) and physiological (Maximum anaerobic power – anaerobic capacity – Vo2max – Maximum aerobic speed) variables for field hockey juniors, The researchers recommend to use Tabata trainind on developing physical and physiological variables for field hockey players and compare it with another training styles which divided from High-intensity interval training on developing functional and biochemistry measures for field hockey players.


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