The knowledge of parents of children aged 8-9 years about injuries and first aid in Riyadh

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physical Sport Sciences, College of Sport Sciences and Physical activity, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

2 Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Sports Sciences, Arab American University


This study aimed to assess the knowledge level of parents of children aged 8-9 regarding injuries and first aid. The study sample included 389 parents from various schools in Riyadh, selected through random sampling. The researchers employed a descriptive survey method and used a questionnaire as the data collection tool. The questionnaire covered two areas: injuries and first aid. The data were statistically analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, percentages, and t-test.
The results showed that parents' knowledge of injuries was statistically significant depending on the educational qualification variable. The highest knowledge levels were found among those with higher education (master's and doctoral degrees), followed by those with medium education (community college diploma and bachelor's degrees), and, finally, parents with a high school diploma or less.
The researchers recommend that health education institutions increase their programs to raise awareness among parents of children aged 8-9. They also encourage parents to update themselves with new information, concepts, and principles related to injuries and first aid. Researchers and stakeholders should also conduct studies on this topic with more diverse and larger samples to provide more generalizable results in injuries and first aid.


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