"The effect of a motor expression program and popular games on stubbornness and defiance disorder in children with ODD"

Document Type : Original Article


Helwan university


Research objective: (Developing a motor expression program and popular games and identifying the effect of this program on the degree of stubbornness and defiance disorder in children with ODD. Method: The researcher used the experimental method because it suits the nature of this research. One of its designs was chosen with pre- and post-measurement for two groups, one of which is experimental. The other is an officer The conclusions I reached: 1- The positive effect of playing popular games in childhood. 2- Using the proposed motor expression program and popular games led to alleviating the severity of stubbornness and defiance among children with ODD, which helped to discharge the nervous charges inside them.
Recommendations: 1- Providing appropriate programs to educate parents about positive treatment and its impact on reducing behavioral and psychological disorders in children. 2- Helping children reduce their stubbornness disorder by participating in social activities and group trips, which increase their self-confidence and enable them to identify and express their feelings. 3- Applying the study to a larger number due to its positive and effective contribution to improving relationships between children with ODD.


Main Subjects