The Effect of The (K. W. L) Strategy on The Cognitive Achievement of The Philosophy of Physical Education Course for Students ofThe Faculty of Physical Education - Menoufia University

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Physical Education،Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University


The Effect of The (K. W. L) Strategy on The Cognitive Achievement of The Philosophy of Physical Education Course for Students ofThe Faculty of Physical Education - Menoufia University

The current research aims to identify The Effect of The (K. W. L) Strategy on The Cognitive Achievement of The Philosophy of Physical Education Course for Students ofThe Faculty of Physical Education - Menoufia University. The researcher used the experimental approach by designing two experimental and control groups with a pre-measurement and a post-measurement for the second-level students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University, and their number during The second semester (286) female students from the academic year (2023/2024), and the number of members of the basic sample reached (80) students from the research community, and a number of (60) students from outside the research sample were used to find the scientific transactions under research, and it showed The results showed that the students of the experimental group who taught using The (K. W. L) Strategy excelled in using the teaching methods within the course content to teach its contents, so the learner had a space of understanding and application at the same time. The researcher recommended adopting The (K. W. L) Strategy when teaching students in the philosophy of physical education course.


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