The level of awareness of body components among physical education teachers in public and private schools

Document Type : Original Article


1 Physical education for girls, Helwan University

2 Helwan University


alsihat aleamat Public Health 'ahad furue aleulum alati tadrus kayfiat tatwir watarqiat alhayaat altabieiat lil'iinsan sawa' min nahiat dirasat al'amrad wamusabibatiha waturuq aintiqaliha wakayfiat alwiqayat minha 'aw ma yataealaq binashr alwaey alsihiyi walaihtimam bisihat albiyat wamukafahat al'akhtar alsihiyat wamuealajatiha, kama 'ana alsihat aleamat tuetabir eilm aijtimaeiun yarbit altiba bialnawahi alaijtimaeiat wayaetani bialrieayat alsihiyat li'afrad almujtamaei, walsihat min alqadaya al'asasiat alati haziat biaihtimam kabir min qibal aleulama' min mukhtalif altakhasusat walmajalat w mudarisin wamudarisat altarbiat alriyadiat min ahum almutakhasisin alladhayn yumkin alaietimad ealayhim fi baramij mukafahat alsimnat nazaran lan takhasusuhum murtabit bimumarasat watashjie alnashat alriyadii fi almadrasat aladhi yaqdi fiha altaalib fatratan tawilatan min yawmih ;

It is important, on the other hand, that these teachers be good role models in terms of their healthy practices and their weight, so that they are the model that the student looks up to. To the researcher’s knowledge, there are no published and easily accessible research or studies on the extent of obesity or the healthy habits of male and female physical education teachers in public schools. And private schools and their level of interest in continuing to practice some sports activities due to their specializations and experience in the physical sports field.


Main Subjects