The effect of the distinguished player style training according to the playing distances on the level of determinants of offensive activity in the game for the "Kumite" player in karate

Document Type : Original Article


The Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


The research objective: To identify the effect of the distinctive player style training according to the distances of play at the level of determinants of the offensive activity in the game for "komite" karate players.
       The researcher used the experimental method by conducting pre and post measurements, as they are appropriate to the nature of this research.
       The research community represents the first division players registered in the Egyptian Karate Federation season
2015 - 2016 The sample was chosen intentionally and was represented in 1 player (case study) under the youth category - Smouha Youth Center - weight under (68) kg - Alexandria Governorate
Conclusions: The following conclusions were reached in the light of the executive procedures of the study and the sample number (case study) which are as follows:
 The presence of an improvement rate in the values ​​of determinants of offensive activity during short play distances while dealing with the opponent's offensive pattern reached between (66.6 to 200)%.
 The presence of an improvement percentage in the values ​​of determinants of offensive activity during the average playing distances during dealing with the opponent's offensive pattern, which ranged between (33.3 to 150)%.
 The presence of an improvement rate in the values ​​of determinants of offensive activity during long playing distances while dealing with the opponent's offensive style, reached between (100 to 150)%.
 The presence of a percentage improvement in the values ​​of the determinants of the offensive activity of the player in question during the game while dealing with the opponent's offensive style, which ranged between (25 to 200)%.


Main Subjects