Characteristic indicators of some components of the swimmers' training status

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


This research aims to use the individual educational program for rhythmic technical exercises to improve the cognitive abilities of kinetics and the asymmetric behavior of mentally handicapped students who are able to learn.
The researcher used the experimental method, using two groups, one experimental and the other, control, due to its relevance to the nature and purpose of the research.
The sample was chosen intentionally by students of Ahmed Shawky School for Intellectual Education. The number of (15) female pupils from the fourth, fifth and sixth grade primary students and their intelligence percentage ranges from (55-75%) degrees and their time age ranges from (9-13) years while their mental age ranges between (5-7) years, they were randomly divided Into two groups with (8) female students
For the experimental group, and (7) female students for the control group, where homogeneity was confirmed among the study sample members in the basic variables
Within the limits of the research sample, the method used, and the results reached, the following can be concluded:
- The use of the individual educational program for rhythmic technical exercises for the mentally handicapped, capable of learning, pupils of the Primary Intellectual Disability School, working on improving all variables of perceptual kinesthetic represented in (physical self, field and directions, equilibrium, rhythm and neuromuscular control, eye and foot compatibility, accurate muscular control, perception Shapes, auditory discrimination, eye and hand compatibility) under study.
- The use of the individual educational program for rhythmic technical exercises for the mentally handicapped, capable of learning, pupils of the Primary Intellectual Disability School, working to improve all variables and skills of asymmetric behavior represented in (violence and destructive behavior, anti-social behavior, rebellious behavior, withdrawal, inappropriate social behavior, tendency to hyperactivity) under consideration .
- The effectiveness of using the individual educational program for rhythmic technical exercises among mentally handicapped students who are able to learn who underwent the individual educational program of rhythmic exercises for their peers who did not undergo this program and used the traditional program to improve all variables of perceptual movement and skills of asymmetric behavior under study.


Main Subjects