A comparative study of the concentration of attention between a moderate environment (21 ° C) and a hot environment (35 ° C) after running at moderate intensity

Document Type : Original Article


College of Education, University of Bahrain, Bahrain, Bahrain


Purpose of the study
1- Comparing the focus factor between good environment and hot environment.
2- Comparing the focus of attention between the two samples during the rest periods after running, in the indoor environment (gym 21 ° C) and the outside (hot).
Through the multiple readings of previous studies and continuous observations of the methodology of using studies similar to this study, such as the study (Naim. Basma, and Abdul Karim. Hana 2005), the experimental approach was used.
Football players, youth class and first degree, Bahraini clubs with 10 players (6 players youth category) and (4 players first class)
          1- There are no statistically significant differences to test the concentration of attention between the two samples (internal environment 21 ° C) and (external environment 35 ° C) when applied immediately after running and after 5 minutes of rest and after 10 minutes of rest.
          2- There are no statistically significant differences when applying the focus attention test immediately after running and after 5 minutes of rest for the two groups (the internal environment "21 degrees Celsius" and the external environment "35 degrees Celsius")
          3- There are no statistically significant differences when applying the focus attention test immediately after running and after 10 minutes of rest for the two groups (the internal environment "21 ° C" and the external environment "35 ° C")


Main Subjects