The effect of compatibility capabilities training in some biometric variables and the level of transmitter reception skill level of volleyball players

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


The main objective of this research is to identify "the effect of harmonic capabilities training in some biomechanical variables and the level of performance of the transmitter reception skill for volleyball players"
The two researchers used the experimental method with the experimental group using the pre-post measurement, and the descriptive approach based on the biomechanical analysis, as they are appropriate to the nature of the research.
The total of the research sample was (12) players specialized in volleyball sports training, (8) players were chosen to conduct the basic study, (4) players were to conduct a survey study on them, and they are not subject to any other training programs within the college.
1 - The experimental group achieved a superiority in telemetry over tribal measurement in all harmonic capabilities under study among players specializing in volleyball training.
2- The experimental group achieved a superiority in telemetry over tribal measurement in all biochemical variables under study by players in volleyball training.
3- The experimental group achieved a superiority in telemetry over tribal measurement in all biokinetic variables under study among players specializing in volleyball training.
4- The experimental group achieved a superiority in telemetry over tribal measurement in the skill of receiving transmitters for players specializing in volleyball training.
5- The development of harmonic capabilities led to an improvement in the level of performance in the transmitter reception skill of volleyball players.


Main Subjects