The effect of a program using social networks on learning the skill of 110 meters / barriers for students of the Faculty of Mathematical Education, University of Menoufia

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mathematical Education, University of Menoufia, Menoufia, Egypt


The research aims to design an educational program through social networks to learn about its impact on both: - Learning the skill of 110 m / h among students of the first year, Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University. Acquisition of first year students in the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University, information and knowledge associated with the skill of 110 m / used The researcher: The experimental approach with two measurements (pre and post) for two groups, one experimental one that used the modern technological method (social networking) and the other one that used the traditional method. The research community included the first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Al Novia for the academic year 2015/2016 AD and the number is (180) students. Conclusions. The design of the educational program under research on the social networking site. The educational program using the social communication network led to learning the skill of 110 meters / barriers under discussion. The educational program using the social communication network led to speed Learning the skill of 110 meters / barriers under discussion. The educational program using the social network resulted in saving time and effort for the learners in the skill of 110 meters / barriers under discussion. The educational program using the social network resulted in the students acquiring knowledge and information related to the skill 110 meters / partitions


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