The effect of using some teaching methods on learning the skill of paying the shot for students of the Faculty of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mathematical Education, University of Menoufia, Menoufia, Egypt


This research aims to identify the following: -
1. The effect of using the traditional method "commands" on learning the skill of paying the shot for his first year student at the Faculty of Physical Education in Sadat - Sadat City University.
2. The effect of using the "applied method" on learning the skill of paying the shot for his first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Sadat - Sadat City University.
3. The effect of using the "reciprocal" method on learning the skill of paying the shot for his first year student at the Faculty of Physical Education in Sadat - Sadat City University.
4. The differences between the methods of learning "orders - applied - reciprocal" in learning the skill of paying the shot for his first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Sadat - Sadat City University.
      The researcher used the experimental method for two experimental groups and a control group for designing the two measurements (pre and post) in order to suit the nature and purpose of the research.
The research community is represented in its request for the first year for boys in the Faculty of Physical Education in Sadat - Sadat City University, and the number is "215" students and a sample of "96" students was chosen in the relative random way (44.65%) and they were divided into three groups, each of them "24" Student
In the light of the research sample, data collection tools, research objectives and hypotheses, and the results of this study, the researcher has reached the following conclusions:
- The use of the command method has a positive impact on improving the level of technical performance to pay the shot for his first year request at the Faculty of Physical Education.
  - The use of the applied method has a positive effect on improving the level of technical performance to pay for his request for the first year in the Faculty of Physical Education.
- The use of the reciprocal method has a positive effect on improving the level of technical performance of the skill of paying the shot for his first year request at the Faculty of Physical Education.
The second experimental group that used the reciprocal method outperformed both the first experimental group that used the applied method and the control group that used the command method at the technical performance level of the shot-put skill in telemetry, which indicates that the mutual learning method was more influential than the applied learning method Followed by the influence of the command style.
The second experimental group that used the interchangeable method outperformed both the first experimental group that used the applied method and the control group that used the command method in the skill of pushing the shot in telemetry, which indicates that the method of reciprocal learning was more influential than the method of applied learning, followed by the influence of the method Commands


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