The development of some special kinetic capabilities of a counterattack affected the quantum effectiveness of offensive activity of the Sunda players in kung fu.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mathematical Education, University of Menoufia, Menoufia, Egypt


research aims
1- Knowing the effect of developing some special kinetic capabilities of counterattack on the quantitative effectiveness of offensive activity of Sunda players in kung fu sport.
2- Knowing the effect of developing some types of counter-attack on the quantitative effectiveness of the offensive activity of the Sanda players in kung fu sport.
Research Methodology: The researcher used the experimental approach to design the pre and post measurement for one group in order to suit it with the aims of the study.
- Research sample: The research sample included (10) players (Sanda) who were intentionally chosen from players who won the Republic Championship (first - second - third) youth and registered in the Egyptian Kung Fu Federation for the 2014-2015 U19 years.
1- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and dimensional measurements of the special kinetic capabilities of the counterattack on the quantitative effectiveness of the offensive activity of the Sanda players in kung fu in favor of the telemetry.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the variables related to the quantitative effectiveness of the offensive activity (determinants of the offensive activity) "stage of the offensive preparation" under study by the players of the actual fighting competition "Sanda" sport kung fu for the benefit of the telemetry.
3- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the variables related to the quantitative effectiveness of the offensive activity (determinants of the offensive activity) "stage of the attack implementation" under study among the players of the actual combat competition in Sanda in kung fu for the benefit of the dimension.
