The effect of a three-dimensional educational program on the skill and knowledge level of volleyball for students of the Faculty of Mathematical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Banha University, Banha, Egypt


This research aims to identify:
 The effect of a three-dimensional educational program on the skill and cognitive level of volleyball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, through:
1- The effect of using the command method on the skill and cognitive level in volleyball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education.
2- The effect of a three-dimensional educational program on the skill and cognitive level of volleyball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education.
The researcher used the experimental approach to suit the nature of this research by using experimental design with pre-post measurement for two groups, one is experimental and the other is control
The research community was chosen from the second year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Banha University, and they numbered (237) students, then the researcher selected the research sample in an intentional manner from the research community. The number was (42) students, they were divided into two groups, one is experimental and the other is the strength of each group (16) students, in addition to (10) students, as a survey sample
In light of the research objectives and hypotheses, the following conclusions were reached:
1- Using the traditional methods. Help in learning basic skills and cognitive achievement in the volleyball of the control group (under discussion).
2- The three-dimensional educational program contributed positively and significantly to learning basic skills (diagonal crushing - straight crushing hitting) of the experimental group of students under study.
3- The educational program, three-dimensional, contributed positively and significantly to improving the level of knowledge achievement of the experimental group of students under investigation in volleyball.
4- There are statistically significant differences between the two dimensional measurements of the experimental and control groups in the skill and cognitive tests (under study) for the benefit of the experimental group.
5- The three-dimensional educational program has had a positive, effective and clear impact on traditional methods of learning basic skills and cognitive achievement in volleyball.


Main Subjects