The effect of spin body movement training using the Tech Toc tool on improving the digital level of the crawl surfaces on the abdomen and back

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


The research aims to identify the effect of rotational movement of the body using the Tech Toc tool to improve the digital level of the crawl belly and back.
Due to the nature of the research and to achieve its goals and hypotheses, the researcher used the experimental approach in experimental design with two experimental and control groups using pre and post measurement.
The total research sample consisted of (36) swimmers divided as follows (12) swimmers for exploratory study, (24) swimmers divided into (12) experimental groups, (12) control groups.
Through the results reached by the researcher and within the limits of the study sample, the following was extracted:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the experimental group at the digital level 50 m-100 m, the level of rotational movement performance around the longitudinal axis of the body for the crawl muscles on the abdomen and back in favor of the dimensional measurement, where the calculated value of "T" was higher than the tabular value, and has The improvement ranged between (4,374%: 126,5%).
2- Table (6): There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the control group in the digital level (50 m - 100 m), the level of rotational movement performance around the longitudinal axis of the two bodies crawling on the abdomen and back in favor of the dimensional measurement where the calculated "T" value came higher Of the tabular values, the improvement ranged between (1,667%: 79.36%)
3- The presence of statistically significant differences between the two experimental groups, which were controlled in favor of the experimental group in the digital level (50 m - 100 m), the level of rotational movement performance around the longitudinal axis of the body for the crawls on the abdomen and back, where the calculated "T" value came above the tabular values .
4- There are differences in the improvement ratios between the two dimensional measurements of the experimental and control groups in the digital level, which ranged between (4,374%: 126,5%) in favor of the dimensional measurement of the experimental group, and ranged between (1,667%: 79,36%) in favor of the dimensional measurement The control group with a difference between the two groups ranged between (2,707%: 48,47) in favor of the experimental group.


Main Subjects