The effect of cross-training at the digital level on kidnapping lift for the emerging quadrants

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


The research aims to identify the effect of cross-training on the digital level of kidnapping lift for the emerging lifters, and this is achieved through:
Identify the differences between the pre and post measurements of the control group in the variables under discussion.
Identify the differences between the pre and post measurements of the experimental group in the variables under consideration.
Identify the differences between the two dimensional measurements of the experimental and control groups in the variables under discussion.
The researcher used the experimental approach, using the experimental design of two two group design, one experimental and the other control.
The research community was chosen intentionally from the weightlifting buddies of Al-Nassiriya Sports Club under 17 and registered in the Egyptian Weightlifting Federation, they were chosen in the intentional way and they reached 16 players, they were divided into two groups, one of which is a pilot of 8 players and the other is a control of 8 players. The proposed training program was applied to the experimental group while the (traditional) training program was applied to the control group.
- The (traditional) training program applied to the control group has no significant effect at the level of 0.05 on the private physical abilities under consideration, as the calculated c values ​​ranged between (2.25: 2.73), while the calculated value of c for the kidnapping height was (2.40) for the measurement Posti.
- The proposed training program applied to the experimental group has a significant statistically significant effect at the level of 0.05 on the special physical capabilities under consideration. Where the calculated value of c ranged between (4.05: 5.54) which is higher than its tabular value. Whereas, the calculated value of C for the kidnapping height was (5.42) in favor of the dimensional measurement.
 - There are statistically significant differences in the group dimensional measurement (experimental and control) in the physical capabilities under consideration. Where the calculated value of C ranged between (9.25: 6.55), while the calculated value of C for the hijack was (8.68), in favor of the experimental group.


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