The influence of the development of some consensual capabilities on the effectiveness of the performance of attack renewal for shish gunmen

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


Target :
1- Knowing the effect of the program on developing the special harmonic capabilities of the Blind Gunmen.
2 - Knowing the effect of developing special consensual capabilities on the effectiveness of performing attack renewal movements
The researcher used the experimental approach of two groups (experimental and control) to suit their nature of research.
His research was chosen by the intentional method of the fencing of the Shish Weapon under 17 years in the Alexandria Weapon Club in Al-Shatby, where the sample number reached 30 swordsmen, they were divided as follows: -
8 competitors for the experimental group for the application of the experimental program, 8 for the competitors for the experimental group for the application of the traditional program in the club and 14 competitors representing the exploratory sample for applying scientific coefficients for the special tests of compatibility capabilities
In the light of the research results, the researcher reached:
1- The implementation of the training program led to an improvement in the harmonic capabilities of the rate of improvement between (26.32%: 92.00%)
2- The implementation of the program led to an improvement in the compatibility capabilities, and this was reflected in the improvement of the attack renewal time, with an improvement of between (34.55%: 70.86%) and on the effectiveness of the performance of the attack renewal movements, with an improvement rate of 37.04%.


Main Subjects