The effect of an exercise program with tools on weight loss and blood fat for overweight people from 9 to 12 years

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.


The research aims to identify: - 1 - the effect of the proposed exercise program on weight loss for children overweight from 9-12 years old. 2- The effect of the proposed exercise program on the blood fat of children overweight 9-12 years old. The researchers used the experimental approach to suit the nature of the research. The sample included 9 overweight children from 9-12 years who represent one experimental group. (The sample is from children who frequent the college club and live next to the college in Tosson and Al-Maamoura and live at the same close social level.) Through what was presented and discussed, the researchers reached the following conclusions: The proposed exercise program led to weight loss for children overweight from 9-12 years . The proposed exercise program reduced cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoproteins. The proposed exercise program resulted in high-density lipoproteins.


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