An analytical study of the chronological distribution of jumping competitions in athletics

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University, Sadat City, Egypt.


Research Objectives: The temporal analysis of the technical stages in jump competitions in athletics, with the aim of identifying. The time distribution of the technical stages in the jump competitions in athletics. The percentages of the technical stages' contribution to jumping competitions in athletics. The correlation between the time of the technical stages and the numerical level in the jumping competitions in athletics. The descriptive method was used using time analysis in the jumping competitions in athletics to suit the nature of the study. The research sample was chosen by the intentional class method as it reached 12 players representing the three best numbers for players in Each of the various jumping competitions worldwide, provided that the technical analysis of the technical stages takes place in each competition separately. The smallest period of time is the one in which various jumping competitions are promoted. The biggest time period is when approaching different jump competitions. The smallness and convergence of other technical stages other than approaching and upgrading in jump competitions indicates that they are the products of these two phases. The lower the performance time in climbing within the jumping competitions, the more the target will be achieved from a distance (horizontal - vertical). The higher the flying performance time in jumping competitions, the greater the target (horizontal - vertical) distance. The ratio of approach times for triple jumping and pole vaulting approximates to the total skill time. The ratio of approach times, ascent, flying, and landing are approximated in both long jump and high jump in total skill time.


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