The effect of using some specific exercises on the body mass index (BMI), some physiological variables, and the level of kata performance for young people in karate.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt

2 College of Physical Education, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt


The Influence of Using Some Special Exercises on Obesity, Over Weight, Some Physiological Variables; and the Levels of Kata Performance in Karate.
The importantance of research, is that obesity and over weight of the most sesious problems facing the world. And the
community participation in solving the problem is a national duty. The research aims to identification of the effect of certain exercise in the elimination of obesity and the over weight, improve some of the physiological characteristics (Lactic acid, triglycerides and alkurtuzul harmun) and to improve the performance of kata (Hyanshodan, Hyan dan, and Hyan Shendan). To young girls (10-12 years).The experimental method was used to design the two equal sets of kallein Athletic club consisting of 10 players of girls one experimental and the other one is accurate .In each group, the players had an increase in weight and obesity. Special exercises were applied to the experimental group only for (8) weeks. (24) Units (90min) per unit of training and the results were presented between the tribal and secondary tests of the two groups. Several conclusion were reached, among them, that the special exercises head Apositive effect on improving the weight and obesity, physiological characteristics; and performance of the kata level.
The researcher recommented that interest in exercises within
The units. Because they have an important role in the integration of the physical and mental side and improve physiological characteristics and the use of karate in the fight against obesity and increased weight.


Main Subjects