The effect of various exercises on the fitness and health-related elements of women who do not practice sports

Document Type : Original Article


This research aims to set a program for various exercises and know its effect on: - 1- Fitness-related fitness elements (Respiratory periodic endurance - Physical composition - Strength and endurance of abdominal muscles - Strength and endurance of upper limb muscles - Muscle strength of the material for the trunk - Flexibility of the thigh joint And lower back). 2- Quality of life for women who do not practice sports. To achieve the research objective and its hypotheses, the researcher used the experimental approach to design the pre-dimensional pre-measurement for each group, as it is appropriate to the nature of this study. The sample was chosen intentionally by women without sports and participants in the health club (Live Gym) in Helwan for the year (2014-2015), the total size of the sample was (18) women, (8) women were chosen for exploratory study, thus the sample size reached (10) Women for basic study. In the light of the research results and their interpretation and through the research objectives and hypotheses, and within the limits of the research sample and statistical treatment of data, the following conclusions have been reached: 1- The various exercises program positively affects the fitness-related elements of health (represented in the periodic respiratory endurance - physical composition) - Strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles - Strength and endurance of the upper limb - The strength of the muscles of the trunk - Flexibility of the thigh and lower back) (for women without exercise). 2- The program of various exercises affects positively the quality of life for women who do not practice sports.
