تأثیر استخدام تمرینات نوعیة بالأدوات علی تنمیة بعض المهارات الأساسیة لناشئی الکرة الطائرة

Document Type : Original Article


This research aims to design a training program using specific exercises with tools and to identify their impact on:
1- The skill level of the experimental and control groups.
2- The physical level of the experimental and control groups.
3- Understanding the improvement rates for the physical and skill tests of the two research groups.
The researchers used the experimental approach due to its suitability to the nature of this study, and one of the experimental designs was used for two groups, one experimental and the other a control using the pre and post measurement.
The research sample was deliberately chosen on (40) young people, and (20) young people from the research community representing the second and third year junior high for the academic year 2016/2017 were chosen randomly to two groups, one is experimental and the other is the strength of each group (10). The exploratory sample (20) young men (10) youngsters from the Hay Al-Bahry Club in Shebeen El-Kom, at the same age level, (10) young people from the research community and outside the basic sample, in order to conduct scientific transactions (honesty - consistency).
Conclusions: In light of the nature of this study, the sample, the method used, and the results of statistical analysis, and in the scope of this research, the two researchers reached the following conclusions:
- The training program using the specific exercises with the tools will positively affect the development of the skill and physical level through the application of the program for a period of (10) weeks for the experimental group.
The traditional training program positively affects the development of some skills under research, but with a weak rate for the physical level through the application of the program for a period of (10) weeks for the control group.
- According to the results of the research results, there is a strong correlation between the development of some physical characteristics and the level of skill performance. The more the physical level increases, the better the skill level.
The program by using specific exercises with tools was more effective and positive than the traditional program on developing some basic skills for volleyball beginners, which indicates their effectiveness.


Main Subjects