A training curriculum according to a factory device to reduce the force of attraction and its impact on some mechanical variables and achievement of the running efficiency of 1500 m

Document Type : Original Article


Physical and Sports Education Department, Basic Education College, Kuwait, Kuwait.


The aim of the study is to prepare exercises using a pull-down force device to develop some variables and biochemical processes and accomplish the running efficiency of 1500 m, and to identify the effect of exercises prepared using a pull-down force device on some bio-mechanical variables, to identify the effect of exercises on a pull-out device with a speed reduction device The researchers used the experimental approach to suit the nature of the research, and the research was chosen in the infectious manner by runners of middle distances running and ages (14-17) years and the number of (10) runners was excluded (2), so the number of respondents became (8) and the researchers used A set of measuring tools, including a scale for measuring weight and length (1), a body weight reduction device, a Treadmill type runner mtc climb, Italian-made, a Rossmax Pulse Oximeter SB220 for measuring a pulse, a length gauge (1) m, (Kohica type (2) imaging cameras with a frequency of (300) images per second with a tripod for each one and a height of (1,30) m). Among the most important conclusions reached by it were the exercises used to reduce weight had a clear effect on Shortening the length of the step, we note that when using exercises to reduce weight, they had a prominent role in developing the angle of advancement, as a result of the use of exercises and by reducing weight may The landing angle has been developed during the run, the level of achievement has evolved in a clear way among members of the research sample that used weight-loss exercises, and one of the most important recommendations is the need to use low-weight exercises during training in the 1500 m running event, the need to use weight-loss exercises on other athletics activities In addition, the exercises used on the individuals in the research sample should be used to reduce weight on other age groups


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