Building and coding the psychometric programming standard for shed fencing players

Document Type : Original Article


Physical and Sports Education Department, Basic Education College, Kuwait, Kuwait. conference


The aim of the research is to build and codify the scale of psychological programming for players and the Iraq clubs for fencing applicants with a weapon of shish, and to identify the level of psychological programming for players of Iraq clubs for dueling advanced weapons with a weapon, the researchers used the descriptive method by methods of standard scores for building and codifying psychological programming and surveying to know its reality among the players of fencing Shish weapon for the convenience of the nature of the research, which was conducted on a deliberate sample consisting of (120) players from the clubs of Iraq to fencing advanced with a shish weapon, and one of the most important conclusions reached by the researchers is that the scale that was built is valid To measure the psychological dimensions of the dueling players applying with a shish weapon according to the criteria set for him, and the levels of psychological programming for the dueling players advancing with a shish weapon were divided into five levels where he achieved the intermediate level above the levels followed by the good level then the level that is very good and at the very low level.


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