Using functional strength exercises to develop skillful performance and activate some of the neuromuscular variables among football players

Document Type : Original Article


Physical and Sports Education Department, Basic Education College, Kuwait, Kuwait. conference


This study aimed to develop exercises related to the functional strength related to the muscle strength associated with the performance of movements with high balance and stability in addition to knowing the extent of the effect of these exercises on the (acetylcholine) compound, the (acetylcholine cholesterase) enzyme, the motor performance and the mobility of this method. In addition to an intentional sample of football players who are (20) players, several tests related to muscular nervous performance were also used in addition to football's skill performance tests. As for the status and implementation of special exercises, they were tested on and The ability of the players in the reconnaissance experiment, where the application period of the training program was eight weeks per week (4) training units, and the time for each exercise of (30-50 d) of the time of the training unit and with a training intensity (80-90%) of this player's ability After the completion of the implementation of the training program, the post-tests were conducted and the results were statistically treated, and in relation to that the results were obtained and several conclusions were reached, the most important of which were the special exercises for job strength training a significant impact on the value of the acetylcholine complex and the enzyme of cholinesterase. Rationing pregnancy For training according to the methodological need for skilled performance and accreditation of stress (80-90%) as a developed form of neuromuscular action.


Main Subjects