Some of the physical components and physical capabilities and their relationship to biochemical variables to perform the helly skill on the parallel system for men

Document Type : Original Article


The research aims to identify the relationship between some of the physical components and the physical capabilities of some biochemical variables to perform the skill of Hale on the parallel apparatus for men. The number of (4) players was one year, and the researchers used the appropriate means and tools to collect data and extract the results, and the researchers reached several conclusions, the most important of which was that the merging of strength-specific strength exercises at the speed of the arms and the shoulders elasticity worked to transform and rid the body Fat and its conversion to muscle protein and improve the performance of the physical side, body components and technical performance, as it appeared that there is a importance for the preferred angle of the shoulder and elbow in the skill of Hale, which indicates a significant correlation with the physical and physical components because the extension of the whole in an angle of the elbow has a relationship with half of the length Diameter and fluidity, and one of the most important recommendations recommended by researchers is to increase awareness regarding biotechnical variables associated with performance of the coach and player.


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