he effect of mental stimulants on the performance of some of the collar skills with the rhythmic gymnastics of the students

Document Type : Original Article


The research aims to build an educational program for mental stimulants for some collar skills in rhythmic gymnastics, to identify the effect of mental stimulants in learning some ring skills with rhythmic gymnastics between pre and post tests, to identify the differences in the level of learning some ring skills with rhythmic gymnastics between the two groups (research) After exams, the fields of research on the human field included: third stage students in the Faculty of Mathematical Education at the University of Dhi Qar, the temporal field: the period from (19-2-2016) to (9-2016), the spatial field: the closed hall devoted to the subject Rhythmic gymnastics In the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at Dhi Qar University, as for procedures, the researcher used the experimental approach to its suitability of the research problem and the study sample consisted of 24 third-grader students / the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science University of Dhi Qar, as they were divided into two experimental and control groups The experimental group used the curriculum of mental stimulants, and the experiment took 8 weeks to complete with one educational unit, and the control group used the regular curriculum. After completing the experiment period, the post tests were conducted in the experimental research variables, in the light of the research results the researcher reached the The following conclusions The experimental group outperforms the group that controls the post tests in learning some of the three collar skills with rhythmic gymnastics The educational methods (followed in the college, mental stimulants) used in the research of both groups have a positive effect in the process of learning the research results, and building the three collar research The researcher recommends that the use of mental stimulants in sports education research in general and rhythmic gymnastics in particular because of its impact on raising the level of student performance and speeding up understanding and understanding of mathematical skills for the longest possible period.


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